Living Hope -

Homeless Ministry

Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC) of Boone County is launching a new program called Living Hope, to provide support to those who are homeless, while also addressing the physical and spiritual needs of those individuals.

Their goal is to have 13 Boone County churches committed to becoming host churches. Each host church would provide short-term housing to a maximum of 14 people, four weeks out of each year.

Lebanon Christian Church is answering God's call to be involved, but we must have a minimum of 30 volunteers by February 29 who are committed to making this happen at LCC.

Host Church Role

  • Provide rooms at the church for 1 week at a time, 4 times per year. In our case, the rooms would be in the Life Group house at the front of our property.
  • Provide at least one church coordinator (we prefer 2 Co-Coordinators).
  • Provide at least 2 people to stay overnight during guest stays.
  • Provide the evening meal and a light grab & go breakfast for guests each day during their stay.
  • Provide no more than 4 sleeping rooms.
  • Provide church coordinator(s) to attend required Living Hope training program.
  • Provide optional activities for guests in the evenings during their stay.
  • Partner with another church as needed to provide guest services.
  • Follow Love INC's Living Hope Program Church Coordinator Handbook for host churches.
  • Provide background checks for those serving from the church.

Love INC's Role

  • Provide roll-away beds to churches, as well as bedding for guests.
  • Secure transportation for beds, guests' items, and guests to and from the host church.
  • Provide showers and secure storage areas for guests.
  • Provide referrals to community resources for guests.
  • Provide case worker support throughout program with a variety of services: medical screenings, job placement, classes, etc.
  • Complete interview process and vet those guests entering the program.
  • Administer initial and then random drug testing.
  • Provide a Program Manager who will be "on call" for emergencies.
  • Provide secondary insurance for participating churches.

Guest Role

  • Complete pre-application, application, and personal interview.
  • Agree to initial and random drug testing and background check.
  • Transport to churches only the items needed for overnight stay.
  • Clean up sleeping area provided by church.
  • Complete housekeeping tasks at church and Day Center, including washing linens and towels.
  • Participate in resource programs provided by Love INC.
  • Agree to Living Hope Program expectations: finding employment, saving money, adhering to guidelines, and participating in classes.
  • Agree to progressive case management.
  • Be ready to leave by early Sunday morning each week with belongings packed and area cleaned.

volunteer needs

In order to commit to this ministry, LCC needs the following committed volunteers, at minimum:

  • 2 Co-Coordinators
  • 20 Overnight Volunteers (28 nights with two volunteers per night)
  • 2 Volunteers to help with clean-up during and after our host weeks
  • 8 Meal providers for evening meals and grab & go breakfasts
  • Prayer Warriors


If you have questions or just want to know more before you commit to a volunteer role with Living Hope, come to one of our informational meetings at LCC.

Wednesday, February 12 at 6pm

LCC Auditorium

Sunday, February 16 at 12pm

LCC Room 117

Are you REady to volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below.